What if you see challenges or difficulties?
Nothing is ever written in stone! If I see difficult transits, I'll definitely advise you, we'll talk about navigation strategies, and look for the light at the end. There is always an end in sight, usually followed by tremendous opportunity. That's one of the best parts of forecasting!
What about computer generated reports?
They can't see the big picture, or answer your questions. I welcome questions about areas of special concern.
How do you forecast?
Transits. I start with your birth chart, insert planets in their current positions, and then look at the whole picture. What houses are being transited, what aspects (angles) are happening or coming soon to birth planets., and the likely implications for you.
What if I don't have my birthtime?
Then there are three options. First, a lower confidence reading based solely on planets, instead of planets and houses; second option, look at important past events to maybe identify rulers, this is time consuming; third option - check your birth certificate or original registration document.
How do I optimize reading?
Provide your correct birth time, have a pen and notepad handy, a list of any concerns, and try to prevent distractions during your reading..
G00d to know
Typically, my work starts about an hour before our appointment, when I develop your chart, and begin assessing it. I'll also make notes to make certain I don't miss anything when we talk. I'm happy to scan and email my (handwritten) notes, since they'll include all the important dates
Ready to schedule? 980-239-7858
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